Wednesday, May 16, 2012

First Bi-annual Golden Chicken Awards

Hello everyone out there in internet land. Due to my inability to get to my local comic shop this week I’ve decided to delight you all with a mid-year awards edition of Gonzo’s Dressing Room. 
We have four catagories this time. (Readers, feel free to suggest more for the December edition.)  Each winner will receive a golden chicken, found at (If the winners some how find out about this I will be glad to buy them a physical version of their award picture.)

Best Writer Nominees:
James Robinson
Gail Simone
Geoff Johns
Kaitlyn R. Keirnan
And the winner is... 

James Robinson!

Best Artist  Nominees:
Rob Liefeld
Cliff Chiang
Fiona Staples
Nicola Scott
And the winner is...

Fiona Staples!

Best Character Nominees:
John Stewart
Hope Summers
Alana from Saga
And winner is...
John Stewart!

Best Single Issue Nominees: 
Avengers Vs. X-Men #0
Lenore #6
Earth 2 #1
Saga #1
And the winner is...
Saga #1!
(Dear readers, I know you want to argue with my picks. Please do, the “reply” button DOES have a function.) For those of you who come to this site solely for the occasional “hot chick” picture, this call for comments doesn’t involve you! :)

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